Friday, September 30, 2016

Breakout! Library Skills Immersive Game in Fourth Grade Enrichment Library Classes

This is a guest post from our library media specialist, Beth Redford.

Over the past week, RES fourth graders searched for clues, solved puzzles, and practiced their library skills while playing a Breakout immersive game in their enrichment library classes. Our fabulous enrichment teacher, Darcie Rankin, adapted the "Breakout from Mr. Lemoncello's Library" game that was originally created by Amy Williams. The game was particularly good for practicing how to look up books in the library's online catalog, and how to find nonfiction books on the shelves. More information about the original game and the Breakout model of gaming and education can be found at the Breakoutedu website (scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page to see the original Breakout from Mr. Lemoncello's Library game).

Mrs. Rankin put together the video below, of the fourth grade classes during their Breakout game days. Thank you Mrs. Rankin for always bringing so much creativity and engagement to the library!

Dorothy Canfield Fisher reading program for #resvt fourth graders #vted

Fourth graders intent on their
Dorothy Canfield Fisher books!

Welcome RES fourth graders and families to the 2016-2017 Dorothy Canfield Fisher reading program!

The Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award is Vermont's Children's Choice award for books. The award has been in existence since 1957 and is open to Vermont students in grades 4-8. Grade 4 students at Richmond Elementary School are encouraged to participate in the program by reading or listening to the age appropriate DCF titles that are in the library's collection. Other titles from the list can found at the Richmond Free Library.

Grade 4 students who read or listen to at least 5 of the selected books from the list by early April, 2017 are eligible to vote for their favorite in the state-wide program. They will also receive an invitation to our world-famous DCF Pizza Party!

More information about the program is below, or please contact Mrs. Redford if you have any questions or would like more information.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lila spreads the word!

This week our student blogger had the opportunity to share a class activity with our Tech Integration Specialist, Mr. Langevin!  Good work, Lila!

Lila was featured in the district technology integration blog!   Click here to check it out!

Thank you to all of my families!

Thanks to all of you for coming to Open House and embracing the spirit of the evening!  The children loved sharing their classroom with you and bringing you into their world for a while!  I felt their pride in their work as they spoke with each of you.  It was truly energizing to all of us!
I look forward to sitting down with families in the upcoming weeks to discuss student progress at our Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Conference notices were sent home last night - if you haven't scheduled one yet, please reach out and we'll make a plan! Best to all and thank you again for your support!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Way to go!!!

So proud of our 4th graders who took the time to care for others in the community!  As a result of their efforts, our school has received money to support our student biking program in Mr. G's class!  Way to go!

click the link to learn more! :)

RES Kids Receive a Big Award!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wolves Changing Rivers....

How is this possible?  Today in our class we investigated the interdependence of organisms within ecosystems by looking at an amazing example found in our nation's Yellowstone National Park.  Please take a minute to watch this incredible short film telling the story of the wolves as they leave and reenter the park....and how their presence brought new life and dimensions to this very special place in our country.  Incredible. The kids really enjoyed it and had a rich and thoughtful discussion about the balance found within ecosystems.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It was MAKERSPACE Day today!

Today our class started an investigation about Bird Beaks!  Kids were asked to think about the DESIGNS of different bird beaks and then perform and experiment trying to use models of the different kinds of beaks to "feed" on specific "foods".  It was a lively and thoughtful learning time and we can't wait to finish up our activity tomorrow!

Congratulations to Malia!

Malia was excited today to win one of the two baskets of books and goodies at the RES Scholastic Book Fair!  Enjoy Malia!  And thank you to Mrs. Gilbar for organizing this event for our school each year!  We really enjoy the opportunity to buy some new books! Read on, Kids!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Follow up to our VoiceThread.....

Last night the Richmond Conservation Commission received our invitation to view the VoiceThread about places in Richmond we appreciate and want to see loved and cared for!  Keep those ecosystems strong and healthy! I received a note this morning from a gentleman from the Land Trust who would like to post this project on their Facebook page!  Way to go, kids!  You've been heard and should be proud of the hearts and smarts you put into your notes!  Your message was received!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Class Notes to the Richmond Conservation Commission

Today our class sent the Richmond Conservation Commission this VoiceThread that included our thoughts about natural areas in our community that we care about!  In our study of Ecosystems and the Interdependence of organisms within them, we are realizing the importance of taking care of our community and all of living things that make our homes (and theirs) special !  We hope you enjoy watching it!
Great job, kids!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We met our Kinderbuddies today!

Today was a big day for our class!  We met our Kinderbuddies and enjoyed working on an engineering challenge in the RES Makerspace at the same time!  Student teams were challenged to design and build a boat using 4 straws, and one square of tin foil.  Will it float without tipping? Once you meet that challenge..... now try to add a load to your boat!  Kids added see how much it could hold!  Teams even recorded their data!  Some students extended their investigation by testing again with smaller amount of foil. 
Could they still hold pennies without sinking?  How many?

Overall it was a fun and exciting afternoon and we look forward to seeing our new friends again! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Today was our 1st Schoolwide Celebration!

Today the kids at RES got to celebrate a job well done by having some special Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!  Students really enjoyed their scoops, which were well deserved!  They've all been working hard to show that they know how to follow the school-wide expectations and show RESPECT for themselves, each other, and the environment!  Awesome!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Great Math Monday!

Today during math time we worked in teams to decide what we thought were the most difficult math combinations to learn 0-12.  There were some common thoughts among the teams and we discussed ways in which to learn these "toughies"!  We also celebrated our Math Menu time by journaling what's working, what's challenging, and deciding together that making mistakes in math is an important part of math learning!   The real deal learning is when we really dig in and persevere! I'm so proud of the kids and our progress so far!  Keep it up! (Here are some examples!)

Our Peaceful Classroom Community

These first few days of school we will have lots of conversations about setting up our classroom community so that everyone feels and is abl...