Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Circus Comes to RES

Nice job, circus friends!  Friday night at RES the circus came to school!  Kids had fun and learned some pretty amazing skills!  

Congratulations to the Pillow Polo Champions of 2017 !

Congratulations to our class and to all the 4th graders who participated in the Pillow Polo Championship this year!  They showed great teamwork, heart, and sportsmanship!  Fun to play and exciting to watch!  This year a team in our class won!  Congrats to Malachai, Carter, Eben, & Maggie!  Woo Hoo!

Our First Ski Day at Cochrans Ski Area!

It was a wonderful day of skiing during our Snow Motion Program!  Thanks to the parent volunteers for helping us make our day successful, the folks at Cochrans who taught us during the morning, and a big shout out to Mr. G. for all of his energy and dedication to the students at RES for putting this program together!  We are lucky to have this opportunity and grateful to him for making this happen!

Our Biography Celebration!

This week was an exciting one for our readers as students got to share their learning in character!  Enjoy these pics of some very interesting people....thanks to all the parents for their support of this project as well.  It was a fun day!
Jane Goodall

Dr. Seuss, Mozart,  & Paul Revere

Picasso, Edison, & King Tut

Jackie Robinson, Houdini, & Albert Einstein

Annie Oakley, Minnie Mouse (speaking for Walt Disney), & Elvis

Anne Frank, Helen Keller, & Amelia Earhart

When all the presentations were over we all had lunch the tunes of 
Elvis Presley and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!  

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How do Roller Coasters get their ENERGY?

Last week we explored this question.....and discovered some of the principals of motion and energy!  Nice teamwork, kids!  
You're quite the scientists! -Mrs. B.

Our Peaceful Classroom Community

These first few days of school we will have lots of conversations about setting up our classroom community so that everyone feels and is abl...