4th Grade
Tuesday, June 20th, 2017
In the RES Gym
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Please join us for a celebration of our 4th grade students, as they complete their days of learning and fun at RES and prepare to travel to CHMS!
Children will be sharing memories, songs, and accomplishments with families and friends!
Following the celebration in the gym, there will be an informal reception in the RES Cafeteria. We are asking all families of our 4th graders to please sign up on our Sign-Up Genius to contribute to this Breakfast Themed PotLuck! (go to the link below)
Thank you so much for helping us to make this a special and memorable day for our students and families!
Maribeth Berliner, Portia Senning & Katie LeFrancois