Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Graduation Announcement and Sign Ups!

Here's the invite for our 4th Grade Graduation on June 20th!  Please go to the link and sign up for a Breakfast Reception Pot-Luck item!  We appreciate your help in making this a day for kids and families to remember with joy and celebration!

4th Grade

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017
In the RES Gym

8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Please join us for a celebration of our 4th grade students, as they complete their days of learning and fun at RES and prepare to travel to CHMS!  

Children will be sharing memories, songs, and accomplishments with families and friends!

Following the celebration in the gym, there will be an informal reception in the RES Cafeteria.  We are asking all families of our 4th graders to please sign up on our Sign-Up Genius to contribute to this Breakfast Themed PotLuck!  (go to the link below)
Thank you so much for helping us to make this a special and memorable day for our students and families!


Maribeth Berliner, Portia Senning & Katie LeFrancois

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Kinderbuddy Time

This past week we got together with our Kinderbuddies to make some pretty special May Flowers!  They're proudly displayed outside the Makerspace Room - along with the Kindergartners' plans for how they should look!  Our little buddies designed them earlier in the day, and in the afternoon they called upon their big buddies to help them make a lifesized version of their vision!  Such fun!  Hopefully the beauty and happiness of these flowers will help us to push Spring along its way......we sure home it comes soon! (for real!)

More pictures to come soon!  Such a busy time it was hard to get everyone's pics before our little buddies flew back to their classroom! haha!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Spitfire......

Our class has started reading an exciting story about some young people who found themselves wrapped up in the Battle of Valcour Island in 1776.....  and these two silly classmates stumbled upon the treasures from these events at the Vermont Historical Museum in Montpelier recently.....pretty exciting to start making the connections and knowing that we've been in the company of the genuine artifacts from these men and their adventures.....all of which were an important part of the history of Vermont and the entire United States!

Did you know that Benedict Arnold's cane is right behind you?  ....and musket balls from the Spitfire?  Cool!

Thank you, Miss Rewinsky!

Today in our classroom we said goodbye to our friend and St. Michaels's undergrad, Miss Rewinsky, who has worked in our classroom each Tuesday during our math block for the past few months.  We have been grateful for her time, her caring, and her skills!  Best to you, Miss Rewinsky, and we wish you well in your future educational adventures!  It's been wonderful to get to know you!

Our Peaceful Classroom Community

These first few days of school we will have lots of conversations about setting up our classroom community so that everyone feels and is abl...