Today we kicked off RES Reads in 4th Grade! This is a reading program that is designed to get kids excited about reading over the summer as they fall in love with some of their favorite authors and books. Thanks to the generosity of Bill Jennings and The Cheryl Jennings Reading Programs, each child will get to start the summer with a brand new book they get to keep and read!
Today we sent kids home with more information about RES Reads and a reading log to start filling out as they read at home! This reading log should be turned in on MONDAY of next week (6/12). They'll get a new reading log on that day, lasting one more week!
Please help us reach our reading goal by having your child read AT LEAST 20 minutes each night, seven days a week. Our hope, of course, is that kids will read well beyond the expected 20 minutes of reading each night!
On June 19th, we'll tally up our 4th grade total, with each student's contributions, and we'll have a reading celebration! Stay tuned for more about this wonderful day!

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